Positioning for connection with those in need.
Position for connection
How visible is your church in the community? And we don’t necessarily mean buildings. Is your church present in the local school or active in the community in some way? Are your events advertised well, or is your website easy to navigate? If you mention your church, are you known in your community? Is engagement accessible? Are you well set up for those with additional needs, those with English as a second language? How about those without a car or on low income?
Be consistent and available.
Connections are formed over time by being consistent – the same dog-walk, the same person doing the same food parcel drop off - familiar faces consistently over time build relationships.
Be compassionate
Compassion moved Jesus to action. Do you know the needs of your community? Why not do some listening by asking people who are integral to your area? Are you ready to include those who come who are different to the majority or who have differing or theological views, or none?
Bridge the gap
So often connection requires the first move. We can’t expect people to stumble across church-life and connect. Some may do this, many won’t. Sometimes an individual’s default can be to ‘not be a bother’, don’t forget to keep connecting and keep inviting.
‘So pleased that most of our Make Lunch familes came to the event, great to be building on these relationships. People were signposted to Make Lunch, wellbeing groups, Parent/toddler. All TLG families will be invited to our summer holiday meals and Sunday Cafe Church.’ - Newmarket Community Church.