In the Journey
In the Journey is a tool for the church community - that bridges the gap between the programme you are running and the families that you walk alongside; and to help them feel a part of the wider life and support of your church.
Check out our NEW free devotional resource to equip you to walk with individuals you are journeying with, written by TLG's Susie McGibbon.

With over 20 years’ experience supporting families through its programmes, TLG has developed a step-by-step process to help you and your church support those in your community to find a safe space to explore their own journey of transformation. Each of these steps have been developed into a map that we have called In the Journey. These steps mark out the course that an individual and church could take together, towards transformation.
In the Journey... of the individual
These steps of the journey have been designed to be used by you as you walk alongside an individual in their journey of transformation. Each stage provides helpful prompts to aid you in building conversation and relationship with them, while unlocking ways to help encourage them in taking the next steps on their journey. If more support is needed, we have provided signposting with links to other organisations.
Take me on the journey of the individual >
In the Journey... of the church
As the individual is on this journey towards transformation, so is the church. In the Journey of the church, you will find helpful questions to help you reimagine the themes of: Connecting, Welcoming, Participating, Belonging, Celebrating and Transforming. There will be more resources and tools coming soon, to help your church in the journey!
Take me on the journey of the church >
Get your FREE 'In The Journey' resource!
To compliment the web content you will find here, you can also request a handy credit-card sized map of 'In the Journey'. Pop this in your wallet or purse as a helpful aid when supporting families on their journey.
To request your FREE copy, simply send Susie an email at, or click the link below: