
Tribute to Martin Flatman

Tribute to Martin Flatman

02nd April 2020

All at TLG send their love, prayers and condolences to the family and friends of Martin Flatman who passed away earlier today having contracted coronavirus. 

Martin has been a TLG Early Intervention Coach since January 2014 – one of the many selfless volunteers helping struggling children through an hour a week of one to one support in school. Martin was one of the most encouraging people we’ve ever met.  After his initial coach training, and every time we gathered coaches together, Martin would take time to personally thank, appreciate, encourage and inspire every member of the TLG team. 

Martin’s personal faith in Jesus shaped his life and fuelled his passion for others.  It was a huge privilege in 2016 to recognise the impact of Martin’s TLG Coaching in the life of one young person who was awarded the TLG ‘Outstanding Progress Award’ at our Manchester Awards Dinner.  It was a very special evening of celebrating the difference that one compassionate caring adult can make in the life of a struggling child – a night shared with Martin’s friends and family from Life Church Manchester.   

We thank God for our friend Martin - for his life and true example of the love that is so powerful shown through an Early Intervention coach. 

We are also praying for all our coaches across the country at this time. We pray for your safety and wellbeing - may you know God's presence with you during this different, and at times, difficult season we are in as you seek to support your coached child and family.

Tim Morfin

Tim Morfin

Tim Morfin is the founder and Chief Executive of TLG. Tim, together with a group of other volunteers from a local church, began TLG by helping young people struggling in school in Bradford. He now leads the organisation nationally, still committed to bringing hope and a future to children and their families. He is married to Rachel and has three teenage sons.

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