
“Think of the impact that can be made!”

“Think of the impact that can be made!”

23rd February 2022

Gary Grant is the founder the UK’s most loved toy store, The Entertainer, which he started when he was just 22. A TLG Hope Giver himself and a key supporter of TLG’s work, Gary spent some time with us sharing some of his story.

For me, school was really tough. In the 60s, dyslexia wasn’t really recognised, so I was seen as ‘the naughty boy’. I remember standing outside a lot of classrooms, getting kicked out of lessons and being told I was disruptive.

But I did want to succeed. When I found things I loved or could understand, I was away! For me that was maths, I didn’t need a calculator because it just made sense to me.

What I love about the stories from the children supported through TLG, is that TLG is looking for that nugget of gold in every child. Not trying to find what they’re not good at, but what can be watered to help them grow.

Through TLG, struggling children – just like I was - have someone getting alongside them to spend time with them. To help them with whatever situations they’re dealing with and being really interested in them. If someone had taken just half a minute to find out what I had been struggling with, they wouldn’t have said ‘you’re a naughty child’ or ‘you’re just disruptive’, they would have found out more about me and I wouldn’t have had to face those challenges alone.

We shouldn’t judge children on whether they’re going to be a great accountant or solicitor, when they might be an artist or an athlete. Whatever is good about that child, they should have the opportunity to thrive. All children want to hear – all I wanted to hear – was ‘well done’. I know that’s what TLG does.

What I see in TLG is people standing in the shoes of so many youngsters, believing in them and supporting them. A word of encouragement or a positive affirmation changes everything. Looking back over my life, I can see the stepping stones of where people have nudged me along and how those people helped me get to where I am today. That’s what TLG does for today’s generation of children who are struggling.

Unfortunately, TLG can’t run on air! They need passionate supporters who provide regular income to enable all their fantastic programmes to run. That’s why TLG’s Hope Giver family is so important. When hundreds or thousands of us each join TLG as Hope Givers, linking arms together, TLG can go from strength to strength and more children’s lives can be transformed.

Thousands of children are in crisis today, their wellbeing has been badly impacted by the pandemic. We must join together to reach them. If you’re able to support TLG, please do so by becoming a Hope Giver!


Children's wellbeing is in crisis. Unless we act NOW to reach those who are currently unable to cope, the impact may last a lifetime.

Despite restrictions lifting, the impact of multiple lockdowns, school closures and the resulting turmoil will continue to affect children's emotional wellbeing for many years to come. 

We're asking passionate people like you to join our Hope Giver family today. As a Hope giver, your generous monthly gifts will spread hope where it’s needed most, transforming children’s lives with long-term support. 

What's more, when you become a Hope Giver before the end of March, joining with Gary and thousands of others passionate about the current children’s wellbeing crisis, your donations will be DOUBLED

I will become a Hope Giver today!

Gary Grant

Gary Grant

Gary Grant is the founder the UK’s most loved toy store, The Entertainer, which he started when he was just 22!

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