Every child should have someone by their side.
Thank you for increasing your Hope Giving today.
Increasing by £60 a month would provide a child with an Early Intervention coach for a whole year. For children who have found their emotional and mental health impacted by the pandemic, our EI coaches are vital.*
Ellis' Story
Many of the children we support are in very dark places.
For Ellis, following the death of his dad, he would just shut down. He would hide in his bed or at school under his desk.
He needed someone to meet him where he was. When Gerry, his TLG Early Intervention coach, came into his school she literally sat under the desk with him.
They sat there together until he was ready to stand up. From there, they built a great relationship that helped Ellis process his emotions and cope better with the classroom environment.
“The days that Gerry came made school feel much happier. It really helped my behaviour because I had something to look forward to and I would get sent out less. She was there with me.”
Sophie and Ellis were only little when their father fell ill and sadly passed away. Their mum, Emma, was torn, overstretched and grieving. They needed a community to step in and what better community than their local church.
In this case, it was the heroes of Christchurch Clevedon who shone a light into Sophie and Ellis’ home. Hearing of their loss and the impact on their emotional wellbeing, the church was able to provide two TLG Early Intervention coaches to meet Sophie and Ellis at a crucial time of need. Christchurch also supported Emma with TLG Boxes of Hope when she faced difficulties providing for her family while they were grieving.
This is why TLG’s partnership with local churches across the UK is so crucial in being Jesus’ hands and feet to those who are hurting and struggling.
We need your help to get alongside children in crisis. With your support, we can offer dedicated one-to-one coaching to more children, be there for young people who are desperately struggling in school and bring hope to families facing food poverty.
Will you give a child the gift of knowing that they have someone there with them by becoming a TLG Hope Giver? When you join our Hope Giver community today, your monthly donations will be doubled for a whole year through match funding.
Yes, I will become a Hope Giver today
*All gifts will be unrestricted so that we can be responsive, enabling us to help children and support churches where the need is greatest.
Before TLG, I didn’t really have many friends so I would sit and watch everyone else play. I’d just be by myself and think about things. Helen was someone who was always there for me. She was like a best friend. - Sophie, 11