TLG Hope Givers are making a lasting impact all year round!



Monthly gifts are vital for TLG’s ongoing work, making an impact this Christmas and beyond. Join 1,000s of other generous supporters who are transforming the lives of struggling children & families year-round, by becoming a Hope Giver today!



Monthly gifts are vital for TLG’s ongoing work, making an impact this Christmas and beyond. Join 1,000s of other generous supporters who are transforming the lives of struggling children & families year-round, by becoming a Hope Giver today!



Monthly gifts are vital for TLG’s ongoing work, making an impact this Christmas and beyond. Join 1,000s of other generous supporters who are transforming the lives of struggling children & families year-round, by becoming a Hope Giver today!


I want to increase my current Hope Giving

Will you join us in spreading the joy that a meal can bring?



A £10 gift will help us to provide vital safeguarding support and ongoing training. This helps us to protect the vulnerable children we connect with through Make Lunch.



A £20 gift will train a Make Lunch Volunteer supporting them with safeguarding, food hygiene, creative resources and Emotional First Aid input. (Make Lunch couldn’t happen without our amazing volunteers!)



A £50 gift enables TLG to continue to offer FREE therapeutic support to churches and individuals who are passionate about supporting the one in five children who are struggling with their mental health - this is crucial.


I want to give monthly instead

Make Lunch in action this Christmas!

It’s not too late to join in! Keen to bring hope to those struggling in 2024? Please consider supporting our vital TLG Make Lunch programme with a donation today. 😊

Your donations to our urgent Christmas appeal will spread HOPE to hundreds more children just like Lily.

Together we will equip more Make Lunch clubs to bring light, hope, and a meal that matters.

We must urgently take action to help more children like Lily.

When the world is crashing in around you and you don’t know where to turn to, the church can stand in the gap, bringing the light of Jesus.

The effects of poverty can have a devastating impact on the mental health of children and we want to lift some of that burden through Make Lunch.

Imagine the relief it must have been for Lily’s mum Zara when Buckskin Evangelical Church flung their doors wide open!

“Make Lunch hasn’t just changed my life,” Zara tells us, “it has provided the consistency and support that my girls needed for them to get back to being the girls they used to be and for things not to keep getting worse.”

Yes! I want to donate and stand in the gap with you

Feel compelled to give an outrageous gift to support struggling children this Christmas? THANK YOU!

Our Relationship Manager James would love to talk more about how to do this in a tax-efficient way. 

Contact James at or call him on 01274 900373

Your FREE Christmas Resource!

We created this brilliant activity resource for our Make Lunch clubs to access this Christmas, and we have decided to share it with you, our faithful supporters, to bring fun and festive joy to your family too! 

Download my free resource!

Today, 9 children in every classroom of 30 are living in poverty, with a further 2 living in destitution

This is NOT okay.

- Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2023

Thank you for taking action to spread hope this winter!

*All gifts will be unrestricted so that we can be responsive, enabling us to help children and support churches where the need is greatest.