A long-term crisis requires a long-term solution.

Make a lasting impact by increasing your generous Hope Giver donations!



Would enable a church that partnered with us through Box of Hope to support a child through the school holidays as part of our regular TLG Make Lunch programme.


DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! With match funding, we will receive double the amount you generously give each month, for a year. That's an extra £204 towards changing the lives of struggling children!



Would help equip Education Centre students with a Pupil and Family Champion, helping young people and families access the wider support of the local church


DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! With match funding, we will receive double the amount you generously give each month, for a year. That's an extra £300 towards changing the lives of struggling children!



would provide a child with an Early Intervention coach for a whole year. For children who have found their emotional and mental health impacted by the pandemic, our EI coaches are vital.


DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! With match funding, we will receive double the amount you generously give each month, for a year. That's an extra £720 towards changing the lives of struggling children!


I want to give a one off gift

Will you bring hope to children who are at crisis point?



Every pound goes a long way as we reach struggling children with transformational support. With your generous gifts, we can offer dedicated coaching to more children, be there for young people who are desperately struggling in school and bring hope to families facing food poverty. 


DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! With match funding, we will receive double the amount you generously give today. That makes a total of £40 towards changing the lives of struggling children!



Every pound goes a long way as we reach struggling children with transformational support. With your generous gifts, we can offer dedicated coaching to more children, be there for young people who are desperately struggling in school and bring hope to families facing food poverty. 


DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! With match funding, we will receive double the amount you generously give today. That makes a total of £100 towards changing the lives of struggling children!



Every pound goes a long way as we reach struggling children with transformational support. With your generous gifts, we can offer dedicated coaching to more children, be there for young people who are desperately struggling in school and bring hope to families facing food poverty. 


DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! With match funding, we will receive double the amount you generously give today. That makes a total of £200 towards changing the lives of struggling children!


I want to give monthly instead

Children’s emotional wellbeing is still in crisis. In fact, the crisis is far from over for thousands of children.

Poor emotional wellbeing filters into all aspects of a child’s life, affecting their ability to learn, their relationships, their development, even their physical health.

The Omicron variant has caused yet more chaos throughout children’s lives, both at school and at home. Restrictions may have been lifted, but the impact will continue for many years to come. Without proper support, children struggling today will continue to feel the consequences for the rest of their lives. But that doesn’t have to be the case. 

We need your help to make this crisis a thing of the past! When you increase your Hope Giver donations, your generous monthly gifts will spread hope where it’s needed most, transforming children’s lives and helping to end this brutal crisis.

Marcel's Story

Marcel’s transition to secondary school did not go smoothly. He experienced several fixed term exclusions for persistent disruption, which resulted in Marcel being placed into a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU).“However, the staff at the unit said the challenges Marcel faced meant he needed specialist help and support. They sent him home,” says Linda, one of Marcel’s teachers at TLG.

“I found it hard to focus and I was distracted,” Marcel reminisces. “I would get sent out or put in isolation, but I found lessons difficult and I struggled to understand. Then I got kicked out of school for a long time.”

Before he eventually received an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis, Marcel faced bullying and physical attacks. Linda continues, “The PRU decided they would teach Marcel online while they decided where the best place for him to be was. Due to the pandemic, Marcel ended up spending 18 months online at home without interaction with his peers.”

Marcel was eventually referred to a TLG Education Centre.

In a time of crisis, TLG was able to provide Marcel with transformational support. Watch his heart-warming story below!

I want to help more children like Marcel!


We must urgently join together today to make this wellbeing crisis a thing of a past.

In the depths of this unprecedented crisis, we’re not giving up. We are determined to reach struggling children with our transformative therapeutic support, to go the long distance alongside children as they recover from effects of the pandemic. No child should be left in crisis, with no way out.

When you increase your Hope Giver donations, your generous monthly gifts will spread hope where it's needed most, transforming children’s lives and helping to end this brutal crisis.

I feel happier and I can socialise. TLG is an environment which is really supportive, it motivates you and helps you change your life for the better! - Marcel